Using Boulder Tragedy, Klobuchar Promises Action on Gun Control


The morning after a mass shooting that left 10 dead in Colorado, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) is using the tragedy to push a left-wing gun control agenda.

Star News Education Foundation Journalism Project“Since we announced a hearing on gun safety, there have been two mass shootings. That doesn’t include the hundreds affected by gun violence every day. Thoughts & prayers aren’t enough. We need to act & it starts with a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing I’m heading to right now,” Klobuchar said Tuesday morning on Twitter.

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa was apprehended Monday evening after allegedly killing 10 people at a grocery store.

Police have not released a motive for the killings, but they have quickly become a political flashpoint, with the left demanding gun control.

The shooting comes just after Democrats passed H.R. 8 and H.R. 1446, bills that would implement universal background checks for weapons purchases and a 10-day waiting period after purchasing a weapon, respectively.

Klobuchar is also championing the far-left H.R. 1, called the “For The People Act,” which would essentially remove all barriers to voting, including eliminating voter identification requirements and allowing same-day registration for potential voters.

That bill will be brought to the Senate floor Wednesday.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) also used the shooting as an opportunity to push for gun control.

“This is the 7th mass shooting in 7 days. Our communities are living in terror and they need more than our “thoughts and prayers,” she said, mockingly on Twitter.

“No more cowering to the gun lobby. We need to pass gun safety legislation NOW.”

Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) chimed in, too. Tlaib is known as a member of the “squad,” a group of far-left congresswomen first elected to office in 2018.

She blamed “White supremacy” in part for the shootings. There is no indication that the shooter was a “White supremacist.”

“Gun violence kills more Americans every year than than [sic] all modern terrorist attacks combined. Yet every time another mass shooting happens, we stick our heads in the sand and hope it passes out of the news cycle. We need courage to take on white supremacy + gun violence,” she said.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Minnesota Sun and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Amy Klobuchar” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.




Star News Education Foundation Journalism Project

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4 Thoughts to “Using Boulder Tragedy, Klobuchar Promises Action on Gun Control”

  1. jessup

    Amy Klobuchar, now there is a real brainiac……not! How does someone like Klobuchar, Hirono, Whitmer, etc. get elected? I have to admit, the Dems have some really smart folks in their party and then there is
    Klobuchar, Hirono, Blumenthal, Coons, Finestein, Harris, Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, Cortez just to name a few that reduces the collective IQ to a negative factor, yet they continue to be re-elected. What does that tell you about their constituency?

    1. Steve Allen

      After the 2020 Presidential election we now know how all these anti-American leftists got elected to these STATE governor and city mayor positions, THEY CHEATED.

  2. Steve Allen

    Another blow hard fishing for liberal votes. Liberals and the MSM cant wait for the next shooting to blame white supremacists. CNNs first comment was he is a white man. Oops, but later they found out he was a Muslim immigrant. According to the Left the only time they can find fault with a persons race is it they are White. They jump at the opportunity to sensationalize over a shooting unless it happens in a Democratically controlled city like Chicago. Almost every weekend there occurs what could be collectively considered a mass shooting but the MSM nor the Donks say anything about it. Why…because it is blacks killing blacks, no whit people are involved. Oh but yes white people are involved, they own the companies that manufacture the firearms, so let’s go after them instead of dealing with the actual problem.

  3. AWM

    Every time some nitwit kills multiple citizens the looney left gets fashionably upset but continue to remain silent about the “hundreds” of babies killed EVERY DAY. Hypocrisy at it’s ugliest.
